TAP Producers ============= tappy integrates with ``unittest`` based test cases to produce TAP output. The producers come in three varieties: support with only the standard library, support for `nose `_, and support for `pytest `_. * ``TAPTestRunner`` - This subclass of ``unittest.TextTestRunner`` provides all the functionality of ``TextTestRunner`` and generates TAP files or streams. * tappy for **nose** - tappy provides a plugin (simply called ``TAP``) for the **nose** testing tool. * tappy for **pytest** - tappy provides a plugin called ``tap`` for the **pytest** testing tool. * tappy as the test runner - tappy can run like ``python -m unittest``. Run your test suite with ``python -m tap``. By default, the producers will create one TAP file for each ``TestCase`` executed by the test suite. The files will use the name of the test case class with a ``.tap`` extension. For example: .. code-block:: python class TestFoo(unittest.TestCase): def test_identity(self): """Test numeric equality as an example.""" self.assertTrue(1 == 1) The class will create a file named ``TestFoo.tap`` containing the following. .. code-block:: tap # TAP results for TestFoo ok 1 - Test numeric equality as an example. 1..1 The producers also have streaming modes which bypass the default runner output and write TAP to the output stream instead of files. This is useful for piping output directly to tools that read TAP natively. .. code-block:: tap $ nosetests --with-tap --tap-stream tap.tests.test_parser # TAP results for TestParser ok 1 - test_after_hash_is_not_description (tap.tests.test_parser.TestParser) ok 2 - The parser extracts a bail out line. ok 3 - The parser extracts a diagnostic line. ok 4 - The TAP spec dictates that anything less than 13 is an error. ok 5 - test_finds_description (tap.tests.test_parser.TestParser) ok 6 - The parser extracts a not ok line. ok 7 - The parser extracts a test number. ok 8 - The parser extracts an ok line. ok 9 - The parser extracts a plan line. ok 10 - The parser extracts a plan line containing a SKIP. 1..10 .. image:: images/stream.gif Examples -------- The ``TAPTestRunner`` works like the ``TextTestRunner``. To use the runner, load test cases using the ``TestLoader`` and pass the tests to the run method. The sample below is the test runner used with tappy's own tests. .. literalinclude:: ../tap/tests/run.py :lines: 3- Running tappy with **nose** is as straightforward as enabling the plugin when calling ``nosetests``. .. code-block:: console $ nosetests --with-tap ............... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 15 tests in 0.020s OK The **pytest** plugin is automatically activated for **pytest** when tappy is installed. Because it is automatically activated, **pytest** users should specify an output style. .. code-block:: console $ py.test --tap-files =========================== test session starts ============================ platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.6 -- py-1.4.30 -- pytest-2.7.2 rootdir: /home/matt/tappy, inifile: plugins: tap.py collected 94 items tests/test_adapter.py ..... tests/test_directive.py ...... tests/test_line.py ...... tests/test_loader.py ...... tests/test_main.py . tests/test_nose_plugin.py ...... tests/test_parser.py ................ tests/test_pytest_plugin.py ......... tests/test_result.py ....... tests/test_rules.py ........ tests/test_runner.py ....... tests/test_tracker.py ................. ======================== 94 passed in 0.24 seconds ========================= The configuration options for each TAP tool are listed in the following sections. TAPTestRunner ------------- You can configure the ``TAPTestRunner`` from a set of class or instance methods. * ``set_stream`` - Enable streaming mode to send TAP output directly to the output stream. Use the ``set_stream`` instance method. .. code-block:: python runner = TAPTestRunner() runner.set_stream(True) * ``set_outdir`` - The ``TAPTestRunner`` gives the user the ability to set the output directory. Use the ``set_outdir`` class method. .. code-block:: python TAPTestRunner.set_outdir('/my/output/directory') * ``set_combined`` - TAP results can be directed into a single output file. Use the ``set_combined`` class method to store the results in ``testresults.tap``. .. code-block:: python TAPTestRunner.set_combined(True) * ``set_format`` - Use the ``set_format`` class method to change the format of result lines. ``{method_name}`` and ``{short_description}`` are available options. .. code-block:: python TAPTestRunner.set_format('{method_name}: {short_description}') * ``set_header`` - Turn off or on the test case header output. The default is ``True`` (ie, the header is displayed.) Use the ``set_header`` instance method. .. code-block:: python runner = TAPTestRunner() runner.set_header(False) nose TAP Plugin --------------- .. note:: To use this plugin, install it with ``pip install nose-tap``. The **nose** TAP plugin is configured from command line flags. * ``--with-tap`` - This flag is required to enable the plugin. * ``--tap-stream`` - Enable streaming mode to send TAP output directly to the output stream. * ``--tap-combined`` - Store test results in a single output file in ``testresults.tap``. * ``--tap-outdir`` - The **nose** TAP plugin also supports an optional output directory when you don't want to store the ``.tap`` files wherever you executed ``nosetests``. Use ``--tap-outdir`` followed by a directory path to store the files in a different place. The directory will be created if it does not exist. * ``--tap-format`` - Provide a different format for the result lines. ``{method_name}`` and ``{short_description}`` are available options. For example, ``'{method_name}: {short_description}'``. pytest TAP Plugin ----------------- .. note:: To use this plugin, install it with ``pip install pytest-tap``. The **pytest** TAP plugin is configured from command line flags. Since **pytest** automatically activates the TAP plugin, the plugin does nothing by default. Users must enable a TAP output mode (via ``--tap-stream|files|combined``) or the plugin will take no action. * ``--tap-stream`` - Enable streaming mode to send TAP output directly to the output stream. * ``--tap-files`` - Store test results in individual test files. One test file is created for each test case. * ``--tap-combined`` - Store test results in a single output file in ``testresults.tap``. * ``--tap-outdir`` - The **pytest** TAP plugin also supports an optional output directory when you don't want to store the ``.tap`` files wherever you executed ``py.test``. Use ``--tap-outdir`` followed by a directory path to store the files in a different place. The directory will be created if it does not exist. Python and TAP -------------- The TAP specification is open-ended on certain topics. This section clarifies how tappy interprets these topics. The specification indicates that a test line represents a "test point" without explicitly defining "test point." tappy assumes that each test line is **per test method**. TAP producers in other languages may output test lines **per assertion**, but the unit of work in the Python ecosystem is the test method (i.e. ``unittest``, nose, and pytest all report per method by default). tappy does not permit setting the plan. Instead, the plan is a count of the number of test methods executed. Python test runners execute all test methods in a suite, regardless of any errors encountered. Thus, the test method count should be an accurate measure for the plan.